HB 2785 - Meat Processing Update HB2785, which would move the state inspection program forward and create a $10 million grant fund to help scale up meat processing capacity in Oregon, has been scheduled for a hearing in the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee this Thursday 2/4 at 3:15 pm. In a nutshell, HB 2785 would establish a $10 million grant program to run concurrent to the recently enacted State Meat Inspection Program (check out our blogpost for more details on HB4206) . The grant program would be run by the ODA and would fund infrastructure and technical and other assistance for bringing existing, and new, processing facilities up to standards compliance. To be truly successful, the State Meat Inspection Program needs a concurrent grant fund to help expand processing capacity, especially in rural Oregon. The program has significant bi-partisan and U.S. Congressional Delegation support (see this Sen. Wyden Op Ed), as well as several County Commissioners, and other advocacy groups. Raise your voice! FoFF would appreciate written testimony in support of the bill. Here is a link to a template for testimony and instructions for how to submit it. If you have any questions, or need assistance with your testimony, please reach out to FoFF’s Policy Director, Amy Wong at amy@friendsoffamilyfarmers.org. You have until Friday 2/5 at 3:15pm to submit your written testimony. FoFF has been tracking this issues for years, as so many FoFF producers have been negatively impacted by the lack of meat processing capacity in Oregon, and because we see the value in a resilient local food system. Many of our friends and coalition partners have also been working on this issue for decades, so it is exciting that the bill is moving. | |
Important (& Quick) Meat Producer Survey The ODA conducted a series of virtual meat industry workgroups (Supplier, Regulatory/Rules, and Market Development) to solicit input from various stakeholders as they put together a state meat inspection program. The Meat Industry Stakeholders supplier workgroup has developed a survey for Oregon ranchers and farmers who sell meat direct to consumers or restaurants or may have an interest in doing so. If this applies to you, we would appreciate if you would complete the survey prior to Monday 2/15. The purpose of the survey is to learn more about the specific needs and challenges you may be facing and where you see the greatest needs. The survey data will be analyzed, along with summary data from a Niche Meat Processors Assistance Network (NMPAN) survey that was recently completed, so we can learn more about the business challenges that ranchers, farmers & meat processors face and work together to address the needs of those supplying meat from Oregon. Thank you for taking the time to make your voice heard! | |